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An affordable solution to your lawn pest problems

Lawn Pest Control

If your lawn has been attacked by lawn pests in the past then you know just how serious it can be and how quickly you need to get something done about it!


If you're looking to prevent lawn pests for the season ahead or if unfortunately your lawn is already under attack, our lawn grub treatments are a cost effective solution to put an end to these pests and also prevent them from returning in the future.
Clients on our lawn care program don't need to be concerned about army worm or lawn grub issues as preventive treatments are already included as part of their service.
For more info about our programs Click Here


The way it works couldn't be simpler;

It all starts with your free onsite consultation, where we will inspect your lawn and will confirm if any pest is currently targeting your lawn, we will then provide you with your FREE lawn treatment quote.


On acceptance of your quote we will book you in and subsequently complete your lawn grub treatment.

On the completion of the service we will leave you with any recommendations that will help you get the most from our treatment.


Service Pricing

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* Pests controlled include: African Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs, Black Cutworm, Lawn Armyworm, Sod Webworm & couch mite

There are a few different types of lawn pests and treatments do vary, however below is more information on the most damaging and common pests such as army worm, curl grub, sod webworm and even couch mites.


Army worm

Army Worm is possibly the one of most noticeable and frustrating infestations that you could have, one day your lawn is nice and green and literally in days its gone!


Army worm (As pictured at the top of the page) become present in your lawn through adult moths that fly in at night and lay eggs throughout your lawn.

These eggs then hatch into baby army worms that also come out at night, these baby army worms group together and work there way through your lawn eating the blades of the grass as they go. During the day, you can find the army worm hiding down in either the thatch layer of your lawn or in the soil waiting to continue its attack once the sun goes down. 

An attacked lawn will often look "Scalped" and brown, the army worms once finished on your lawn will continue to move on to other lawns until they reach maturity where they will burrow down into the soil and pupates before emerging as a moth 10-14 days later and flying away and the cycle begins all over again. 



Armyworm larvae
Army Worm

Curl Grub

Curl Grubs are the larvae of various beetles including the African black beetle. These Grubs eat the roots and rhizomes of your grass which is usually first noticed as small patches that look to be dying due to drying out. Over time these patches will increase in size as the lawn dies and the grubs continue searching for fresh roots and rhizomes.

The lifecycle of a curl grub begins in spring when the adult beetles lay their eggs in the soil, from here the eggs will hatch in the late spring / early summer and the curl grub will begin its devastation eating away at the roots of your grass until autumn, where the curl grub will then pupate over winter only to emerge as a beetle in spring and the whole process starts again.

If you believe you may have a curl grub infestation you can simple drench that section of your lawn with soapy water and wait 10 mins. If you have an infestation you will see the curl grubs making their way to the soil surface.



Black beetle
White Curl Grub

Sod Webworm

The Sod webworm is similar to the army worm, in that the adult moths lay eggs in the lawn at night and the caterpillar also lives in the thatch layer of your lawn and will cause damage throughout the warmer months (Jan-Apr), however one main difference is that the sod webworm uses silk to help form protection and hiding spots (Hence the name "Webworm") 

It is in the caterpillar stage also during night time that all of the damage will occur with sod webworm as once they become moths they typically feed on nectar etc leaving your lawn alone.

If you believe you may have sod webworm in your lawn, inspection early in the morning while dew is still present may reveal silk like webs.


Webworm Moth
Sod Webworm

Couch Mites

As the name suggests, Couch mites are tiny little destructive mites that cn cause quiet significant damage to couch variety of grasses.

These adult mites are approx. 0.2mm long making them super difficult to see which is why the first signs most people see yellowing of the leaf tips and also shortening of the blades which in turn creates whats known as a "Witch broom".

The Couch mites life cycle is around 10-14 days and they live in the sheaths of the grass plants and feed on new growth. The mites mouths are so small that its not so much the quantity of the grass blade that is of concern but more the fact that whilst eating they are injecting plant growth regulators within their salvia into the plant that inhibit cell growth and cause the distorted new growth to occur.

The spread of these mites is usually by the wind, grass clippings and even piggy backing on other insects, so monitoring of this pest is crucial as their numbers can explode in just days if left unchecked.


Couch Mite
Witches broom
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Servicing Wollondilly, Macarthur & Wingecarribee

P.O BOX 161 BARGO NSW 2574

Tel: 1800 665 101

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Wollondilly, NSW, Australia, Camden NSW, Australia, Campbelltown NSW, Australia, Wingecarribee, NSW, Australia

©2023 by Rob's Horticulture

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